Thursday, 10 February 2011

Lost and Found

Here are some random and rather eclectic sketches, paintings, doodles I found.
A few water colour techniques I did back in November 2010 with various pieces of fruit:

I went to a cafe and copied the coaster design:

Some bugs and insects I doodled in ink with a quill:


I also experimented with smudging paint with my fingers:

I saw 'Wicked' over the summer and was really inspired:

The rest don't really have an excuse, they are what they are because I had the time and I wanted to:


Wednesday, 9 February 2011

South Africa

I haven't actually been to SA, but I've been doing a bit or research for a project and here are three paintings I whipped up today for my sketchbook.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Exploring Watercolour Texture

I played with different materials to create a variety of effects on watercolour. For example I put rice, lentils, sea salt and table salt on wet paint to see what marks were left. I have then adapted some of these techniques in producing pictures. In the last picture (the beach scene), I used cling-film for the sea.

Friday, 4 February 2011

The 3rd Dimension

Here are some quick photos of some projects and models I've been doing on and off. I've put titles to give a better context, although my ideas are never very linear. 


 'Are we a nation of wusses?' :
 Book Art:
 'Old for New':